Leaving Kwan Yin Healing Arts Center


After 9 years, I'm leaving Kwan Yin Healing Arts Center for good.

As of July 20th 2020, I will be working only at  Spirit House.  I've really loved being at Kwan Yin.  I'll miss my co-workers and the beautiful community, but opening up my own place has been a dream of mine for many years.   

This is obviously an intense time for our country and the planet, and that's a part of the reason why the full move to Spirit House is occurring now.  The type of healing we are being asked to do requires a deep dive into our karmic cords and patterns.  That type of work requires a lot of space and time.  

Individual sessions at Spirit House are designed for that.  Each session will last from 90 minutes to 2 hours.  You will have access to a meditation room for as long as you like after sessions, and I will work with you on developing your meditation practice.  You will be able to work with hapé (tobacco snuff).  

We'll also have classes, where you can learn about the tracking techniques we use to understand the karmic patterns we've inherited from our karma and our ancestors.  You'll be able to learn music, rhythms and movement and bodywork techniques.  All of this is so that you develop your own relationship to spirit, so that you are able to transform the patterns that are holding you back and engage with a spirit-led life path.

Lastly, we'll continue to work with the practitioners of the indigenous traditions that make up the roots of Kundalini Mediumship.  That means trips to Brazil and Peru, as well as bringing people up here.  Obviously, much of that will have to wait until travel restrictions are relaxed.

One major change is that I will no longer be directly billing insurance.  I recognize that will be a challenge for some people, but this type of work does not fit into the standard 45-minute insurance model.  Acknowledging the reality of this has been the toughest part of my decision.

But, there is a work-around!  If you have out-of-network acupuncture benefits with your insurance company you can be reimbursed for a portion of the visit.  If you're unsure about this process, I can discuss it with you.

Don't forget to visit out Facebook page for more info and deeper discussions.

Please let me know if you have any thoughts or questions and I hope to see you there!


Coronavirus, Death And Doorways