
Authenticity And The Curse Of The Empath</a>
Lindsay Wilkinson Lindsay Wilkinson

Authenticity And The Curse Of The Empath

Have you ever lost a relationship because you started showing someone the real you and they couldn't handle it? It's easy to feel like your job is to dance around someone else's wounds and unintentionally triggering someone means you did something wrong.

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Psychedelics And Our Bipolar Culture</a>
Lindsay Wilkinson Lindsay Wilkinson

Psychedelics And Our Bipolar Culture

In my last post, I addressed some of my concerns about how our cultural sickness impacts how we use psychedelics. In this post, I want to talk about a related issue.

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The Psychedelic Boom</a>
Lindsay Wilkinson Lindsay Wilkinson

The Psychedelic Boom

Psychedelics are getting big, and they're poised to get even bigger. I wanted to share with you a little about my own journey with them, and some of my internal struggles with them that are now being played out in the wider world.

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Tracking Portland's Chaos</a>
Lindsay Wilkinson Lindsay Wilkinson

Tracking Portland's Chaos

I live in Portland, the epicenter of one of the current conflicts gripping our civilization. It's very interesting that there are 2 totally opposing views of "what's happening in downtown Portland".

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Why I'll Never Be A Guru</a>
Lindsay Wilkinson Lindsay Wilkinson

Why I'll Never Be A Guru

When I was a teenager, I started having strange experiences I couldn’t understand. I later learned that those experiences were the kundalini energy waking up inside me. Those experiences were the birth of what became Kundalini Mediumship.

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