Tracking Portland's Chaos


I live in Portland, the epicenter of one of the current conflicts gripping our civilization. It's very interesting that there are 2 totally opposing views of "what's happening in downtown Portland".

On one side, the feds are instigating brutality on peaceful protestors. On the other side, the federal government is finally trying to instill law and order in a place of violent anarchy.

What's most interesting to me, and how we try to make sense of things from the Kundalini Mediumship point of view is not to try to figure out which point of view is "right". What we try to do (through tracking) is understand the personal and cultural wounds and myths that lead a person to adopt their particular view of things. 

When tracking, we pay attention to the 3 levels (wall, wound and spirit) and try to understand which level a person is speaking from. The wall is the outermost level. It speaks in externalities, generalities and polarities. The arguments being had are mostly wall arguments-- The problem in the world is because of that other person (externality) or I'm on the side of righteousness and truth and the other side is wrong, misled, stupid, etc. (polarity).

As long as we engage with others through the wall, and try to change their mind by engaging with their external view, we'll be caught in a never ending loop.

For anyone reading this, I'm going to give you a challenge! Find someone who has a completely different point of view on this topic (or any other topic). Talk to them and try to go within and underneath the external issue.

What we're listening for, and trying to feel into is the underlying wound that is informing their view. What pain or hurt is the external issue pressing on for them? What pain or hurt is being pressed on for you as you listen to them? Underneath and within that wound is their story-- the rich terrain that encompasses their personal karma, ancestral stories and much more. When we get into arguments at the wall level, what people interpret from others is that their story is wrong. That's why we get defensive. Stories are never wrong, but they do limit us and keep us in boxes.

When we get emotionally triggered by another person, it can be seen as an unhealed and unintegrated aspect of ourselves reaching out to them to wake us up. In a sense, the box we've created starts falling apart.

This tracking work is very tricky! But it's an essential component of Kundalini Mediumship. 

A tracking class is coming very soon. Until then, good luck!


The Psychedelic Boom